Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Results Dr Apt Tuesday

Eric actually went to the apt with me. I was surprised, he hates waiting in dr offices and I can tell the few apts he has been to, its a very trying thing for him. But he is a wonderful bf/soon-to-be daddy.

I had a rough afternoon at work. I wasnt feeling good. I was hungry but couldnt find anything that I felt would really satisfy my hunger. (I am having that same issue right now). But it was more than that. Baby S stopped moving. Now thats not necessarily a bad thing but she is normally very active up until lunch and then she naps for awhile. She will pick up again in the evening and drive me nuts until I fall asleep. I started getting really worried when she wasnt moving. I was pretty sure nothing was wrong but something just didnt feel right at the same time. So I went home at 1:30pm and put my feet up for an hour before we had to leave for the appointment. And I felt a lot better after that rest hour.

The apt went well. No weight gain so that makes our grand total of 23 lbs at 36w 4d. My group strep B results came back negative. We heard her heartbeat like usual (like 150-160 range). She is still head down and that explains the shooting/stabbing pain in my lady parts. Apparently the cramps on my right side are from her kicking/pushing my liver and are normal. Everything was normal. The midwife gave me a prescription for some face med. It should help control the breakouts I am having (which at 75% cause by being pregnant). So it was a good day!

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