Monday, October 10, 2011


So last week was my first week back at work. I am not gonna lie. It was hard. I was running out the door at 4pm so that I could maximize my time with Susie EVERY night. She had 2 wonderful days of bonding with Eric on Mon/Tues. He had such a wonderful time with her.

Monday - she woke up at 4:30am with mommy and decided she didnt need to go back to bed. That wouldnt have been a big deal, but daddy went to bed at 3am. So he got like no sleep. They took lots of naps together.

Tuesday - it went much better for him. They had a good time together and got plenty of bonding time.

Wednesday - Eric had a really hard time. He sent me a text at like 10am saying daycare drop off was hard. So I called him thinking he was just had a hard time getting everything together and getting her dropped off. No, he had an emotionally hard time dropping her off. She was crying when he dropped her off. He said it was hard to leave her there. I felt so bad. He loved spending the two days with her, and didnt want to leave her. I said its our incentive to get ourselves together financially. As soon as we can, I think one of us will stop working.

Thursday and Friday went better. She is starting to get used to the ladies in the room.

I keep telling myself the daycare is good for her. That she is learning some valuable lessons. But I miss her all day. I miss getting to see her face in person and hear her laugh. I miss her giggles. I even miss her crying. I have to settle for seeing her picture all day on my digital picture frame. Its not the same. I wish our society supported women to stay home longer. I wish we were a little better off financially that one of us could stop working to stay home with her.

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