Tuesday, September 20, 2011

2 month check up

So Susie had her 2 month check-up yesterday. She is 23inches long (75th percentile). She weighed in at 10lbs 8oz (50th percentile) and her head is about 16inches circumference (75th percentile). The dr described her as long and lean. So she looks skinny due to her length. She was all smiles for the dr. She cooed at the dr and was super friendly with the nurses. She is right on track developmentally.

We only got one shot, since I prefer to wait (and I am glad I only let her get 1 shot). She got her DTaP, Polio and Hib in one shot. She screamed like crazy and pulled out some bottom lip action after she got the shot. She came home and was sleepy. She ended up having a mild reaction to the shot. She slept ALL day yesterday and had no interest in eating at all. She screamed for about 40 mins when I touched near the spot of the shot. She ended up crying herself to sleep and would just randomly wake up crying all evening. She finally ate like normal about 7pm (about 10 hours after the apt). And she still slept through the night (well her long sleep was only 6 hours instead of 7). I felt so bad for her.

We go back next thurs for her to get Rotavirus and Pneumococcal. I was also told that since she is too young to get a flu shot, both bf and I should get one. Bf is not thrilled with this. I am going to get one before I go back to work, since my office is a petri-dish of diseases! People never call in sick, they bring their germs with them to work and share them with all of us!

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